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How to Be a Christian in Today's World:

Shame or Fear of Failure vs. Living Confidently in God's Love

​ Is it possible to embrace faith and lead a Christian life in today’s modern world? This is the question at the heart of How to Be a Christian in Today’s World, an indispensable guide for anyone who is searching for, questioning, or wanting to deepen their faith. Part memoir, part passionate testimony, in How to Be a Christian in Today’s World, pastor and counselor Matthew Hogan delivers the practical, compassionate message that it is possible to lead a life of faith while being a part of the world. Growing up, Hogan witnessed his parent’s marriage dissolve beneath the stress of losing their son, his brother. He dealt with the grief of losing his father at a young age. He helped his wife, Kimberly, battle health issues throughout their marriage. As opposed to becoming angry or resentful of the challenges he experienced throughout life, Hogan found each challenge as an opportunity to deepen and grow his faith. As Hogan dissects key moments from scripture and shares his own compelling life story, readers will build a foundation for their faith that acknowledges, allows for, and even celebrates worldly experiences.

No matter if you’ve been a Christian for a number of years or are just starting out in your faith journey, everyone deserves the opportunity to truly know God’s love. With this as the core value of How to Be a Christian in Today’s World, Hogan’s work sets itself apart from other books about faith, Christianity, and spirituality. Too often in his over 30 years of ministry and counseling did Hogan witness Christians beating themselves up for living their lives, having the experiences they’ve had, and not being able to fully live up to their potential as a Christian. Seeking to calm the anxiety and self-doubt that rages within the hearts of even the most ardent believers, How to Be a Christian in Today’s World creates and holds a vibrant space for readers to grow in their faith. Removing the pressure so many Christians put on themselves to live up to their faith, Hogan guides readers towards a more honest, real connection with God and His love.

How to Be a Christian in Today’s World blends Hogan’s personal testimony with close interpretations of scripture and practical advice culled from Hogan’s own life experience living in the world and in faith. Eliminating all stereotypes and biases about what it really means to be a Christian, Hogan’s writing will remind readers of the vulnerability and striking honesty of spiritual writers like Rob Bell (Love Wins, Velvet Elvis), Rachel Held Evans (Searching for Sunday), Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz), and C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity). Readers will keep How to Be a Christian in Today’s World as a close companion on their spiritual journey because of its uplifting but realistic message about releasing the pressures and demands we often associate with living a Christian life.

My many thanks:

I want to thank the dedicated Mrs. Coxson that fostered faith and the love of writing in me at just the right time. I want to thank my beautiful bride. Without her, none of the ministry work that I have been blessed to do would have ever happened. She is wiser and quicker than I to hear God’s voice for us and I am blessed to have her as a mate and help-mate. I also want to thank in particular: Dr. Susan, Tim, Trent, Pastor Kyle and Carrie and Pastor Anthony and Sarah. These are really the people that have made this project possible! From telling me that this really was the message that needed to get out to putting their effort and money where their mouth is. I thank you all for seeing the vision God gave Kimberly and I and choosing to get behind it!

Please be in prayer for the next project:

Being Job: Finding God’s Glory in the Ashes of your Life