Blessed Brokenness

The loss of a loved one, a closed door in a career, a broken relationship–most of us have experienced one of these or some degree of pain or disappointment in our lives.  If you haven’t yet and you live long enough, you will too.  The truth is…pain is a very real part of our lives and existence in a fallen world—a world broken by the consequences of sin.  Most of us run in the opposite direction from anything that even remotely resembles pain or disappointment.  But we can’t run fast enough or far enough to outrun it forever.  Then what?

In Blessed Brokenness: Finding God’s Glory in the Ashes of Life, Reverend Matthew Hogan walks us through the years long journey he and his wife have been on through more pain and struggles than most of us would know in two or three lifetimes.  And yet, even in the midst of all that turmoil, they have found a secret the rest of us need to hear—a secret that not only helps us make sense out of the messes we find ourselves in but can even draw us closer to our Heavenly Father–the One who loves us most.

My hope for everyone who reads this book is that you will find: a new perspective on that pain you are experiencing (or the next one you face), strength from the One who is with you through every difficulty and, a beauty in the ashes of brokenness.


-Kyle Gerrild, pastor and author of Lord of the Circle

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How to Be a Christian in Today's World

Shame or Fear of Failure vs. Living Confidently in God's Love

Reverend Matthew Hogan straddles the line between raw, at times poignant, honesty and detailed information in this must-read book for Christians and non-Christians alike. Weaving personal details effortlessly with scripture and engaging analysis, Hogan imparts to the reader the depth and breadth of the love Christ has for them despite what their past may hold. Journeying through my own past while simultaneously going on the journey through Hogan’s past left me crying, laughing, and examining several of the restrictive truths I’ve long held about God’s love for me. This book is for anyone, Christian or not, who has wondered if they are worthy of the love of God. Isn’t that all of us?


Amber Powers – Former Counselor

No matter if you’ve been a Christian for a number of years or are just starting out in your faith journey, everyone deserves the opportunity to truly know God’s love. With this as the core value of How to Be a Christian in Today’s World, Hogan’s work sets itself apart from other books about faith, Christianity, and spirituality. Too often in his over 30 years of ministry and counseling did Hogan witness Christians beating themselves up for living their lives, having the experiences they’ve had, and not being able to fully live up to their potential as a Christian. Seeking to calm the anxiety and self-doubt that rages within the hearts of even the most ardent believers, How to Be a Christian in Today’s World creates and holds a vibrant space for readers to grow in their faith. Removing the pressure so many Christians put on themselves to live up to their faith, Hogan guides readers towards a more honest, real connection with God and His love.

   How to Be a Christian in Today’s World blends Hogan’s personal testimony with close interpretations of scripture and practical advice culled from Hogan’s own life experience living in the world and in faith. Eliminating all stereotypes and biases about what it really means to be a Christian, Hogan’s writing will remind readers of the vulnerability and striking honesty of spiritual writers like Rob Bell (Love Wins, Velvet Elvis), Rachel Held Evans (Searching for Sunday), Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz), and C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity). Readers will keep How to Be a Christian in Today’s World as a close companion on their spiritual journey because of its uplifting but realistic message about releasing the pressures and demands we often associate with living a Christian life.

Trusting in Jesus, a collection of spirit-led articles, stories, and testimonies filled with scripture, kingdom principles, life-changing applications, encouragement, and hope. With such titles as Enemy Tactics, A Miracle of God’s Love, A Night Divine, We’ve Been Here Before, Healing, When God Winks, Hope, Beauty For Ashes, How To Find God’s Glory In The Ashes Of Life, This Too Shall Pass and more …

Trusting in Jesus can be found on Amazon here

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