I need to say I hear you!

One thing that I’ve learned specifically in counseling is that everyone needs to feel heard. Everyone needs to know that their concerns are legitimate  I am deeply honored that many of you trust me to help.  I will try to answer your questions and through my email newsletters introduce you to some other amazing resources. […]

What These Desert Plants Can Tell Us About Anxiety and Planning

Anyone who gardens probably knows about zones. Zones for plants are primarily based on latitude. The zones then run primarily east to west. Plants are fairly picky about the climate where they grow. But altitude can affect the zone too.  Despite being in a fairly southern zone, we live in a high desert mountain valley. […]

Learning My Own Lessons

When we look at the Israelites in the desert as they are wandering. It’s easy to look down on their level of trust. They see God provide, then a few verses later, they come across a new challenge and seem to have forgotten in just a moment or two how good God has been to […]

Keeping Our Eyes on Him

You may know the story of Peter joining Jesus in walking on the water. If not you can find it in Matthew 14:22-33. (The following is also found in Matthew 14:13-22, just before the passage above.) Jesus had just gotten the news that his cousin and ‘predecessor,’ John had been beheaded. Jesus got into a […]

Amy Connell of Graced Health Released Her Podcast Interview of Me Today

I joined Amy Connell on the Graced Health podcast, where she has grace-filled conversations about physical, mental, and spiritual health. Amy and I share a deep conversation about some aspects of our faith that are harder to grasp. Per Amy – We discuss: The Christian “elephant in the room” and what it is The fortune of brokenness […]

A Little Introduction and A Little About Joy

I’ll admit, this picture is a few years old, but the only real difference is that I have significantly more gray than I did here.  But this is my beautiful bride and me after a “walk” around the neighborhood in our power chairs after church. It was Father’s Day and unseasonably cool so we decided […]

Gentle Evangelism

Something in me says that evangelism shouldn’t be a divisive topic. And yet, over my years in ministry and my wide background among different denominations, opinions can be so strong that it almost seems like something folks would come to blows over.  It’s not that the need for evangelism is questioned. Even liturgical churches want […]

A Wonderful Ministry

I’ve recently become acquainted with author and podcaster, Amy Connell. I don’t think that Amy would ever call herself a minister, but that’s who she is and what she does. She’s a nutritionist and personal trainer by trade but in reality she is a minister. I had the amazing opportunity of being interviewed for an […]

The Holy Spirit Today

I was recently asked through the survey about the function of the Holy Spirit in the world today. Now, personally, this really excited me because the person that asked started out in a liturgical background just like I did and believes in the power of the Holy Spirit just like I do. I say, just […]

Connection with God

I sent out a link to a survey a week or two ago and a few answered the four questions. I’m trying to find a way to address the concerns that came up in the survey through my blog posts. After all, I want to know that these posts mean something to you, the reader. […]