God’s Name and Reputation: Do They Matter Today?

God's Name and Reputation

Introduction Why should God’s name and reputation matter to us? Last week I talked about the fact that we witness all the time no matter what. In other words, people watch our behavior all the time. Consequently, they often make decisions about not just Christians, but Christ based on our actions. So, although we need […]

When You Can’t Do: Embrace a New Perspective

When You Can't Do

When You Can’t Do In life, we often define ourselves by what we can do. Our abilities, accomplishments, and productivity become intertwined with our identity. But what happens when circumstances change, and we find ourselves unable to do what we’re accustomed to? It’s a challenging transition that many of us face at some point, whether […]

Embracing Forgiveness and Living in the Spirit: Breaking Free from Regret

Introduction: Do you find yourself trapped in a cycle of self-blame and regret, haunted by past mistakes? It’s time to break free and embrace the forgiveness and abundant life that Christ offers. In this blog post, we will explore the assurance of forgiveness, the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, and the transformative power of living in […]

When God Doesn’t Heal: Reflecting on Miracles and Faith

When God doesn't Heal

Credit: http://catalogue.wellcomelibrary.org/record=b1091235   When God Doesn’t Heal: Reflecting on Miracles and Faith Introduction As told in my upcoming book “Blessed Brokenness: Seeing God’s Glory in the Ashes of Life,” I share a powerful story of literally being hands-on during a miracle. However, there are also times when God doesn’t heal, prompting deep questions and clouding […]

Embracing Grace: Moving Beyond Christianese

Embracing Grace

Introduction: As my wife was watching her favorite “clean crime show,” I was sitting next to her, working on my laptop. Admittedly, I too enjoy the show and should have found someplace else to work. Nevertheless, I remained in the room, and a familiar conflict theme brought memories of our youth, prompting recollections of a […]

Embracing Life’s Moments: Living with Purpose and Gratitude

Embracing Life's Moments: Living with Purpose and Gratitude

Introduction: Life is a wild journey, full of twists and turns we never see coming. How can we live embracing life’s moments, living with purpose and gratitude? I recently heard Tim McGraw’s song “Live Like You Were Dying,” and it got me thinking about what it truly means to live with purpose. So, join me on […]

How do We Live Out Our Faith?

I have an author colleague who believes in deeds being the key to salvation. He points to the story of the Sheep and the Goats in  Matthew 25:31-46 . Unfortunately, this leaves out so much of the rest of scripture and we have occasional polite discussions about this. The real-life problem for most of us is […]

Why I Use Bible Gateway and How it Can Help You

I’ve recently joined the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid. It’s a network of Christian blogs that all follow a common statement of faith and share in promoting Christ in different areas of life. I’m also linking any scriptures that I mention to the Bible Gateway Site. What that enables you to do as the reader is […]