Faith, Mental Health, and Rejoicing: Finding Peace in God’s Presence

Faith, Mental Health, and Rejoicing: Finding Peace in God's Presence

How Faith and Mental Health Intersect How do our faith and mental health relate? This is a critical question. As a counselor, I see two base groups that consistently fight the idea of counseling more than any other. These are men and Christians. Our culture tells men that they are to be stoic and strong. […]

Let Go and Let God: Finding Peace Amidst Life’s Chaos

Let Go and Let God

Understanding Christianese Cliches I often talk about what I call ‘Christianese.’ These are Christian colloquialisms. They originated with deep meaning but have become so overused that they have become cliches. We hear them, and probably say them, but may not even truly understand them. Even if we do indeed understand them, do they reach our […]

Finding Blessings in Blessing Others: A Ministry Journey

Finding Blessings in Blessing Others: A Ministry Journey

1. Ministry as Our Sole Calling Despite being in some sort of ministry for over thirty years, I worked full time to support my family until I suddenly became disabled in 2015. That freed up my wife and myself to dedicate ourselves to the sole focus of ministry. When I say ministry, I’m being very […]

Choosing Family Beyond Blood and Bonds: Embracing Relationships

Choosing Family Beyond Blood and Bonds

Choosing Family Beyond Blood and Bonds  I once heard that true family is by choice not blood. Although I strongly believe in the importance of a strong nuclear family, I cannot deny the beauty of choosing family beyond blood and bonds either. Both my wife and I found ourselves in need of foster families at […]

Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy and Embracing God’s Love

Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy and Embracing God's Love

Introduction So many individuals in our world grapple with feelings of inadequacy and failure. Whether it’s due to unmet expectations or lacking approval, these emotions can be deeply ingrained. In this blog post, I want to share some wisdom I’ve gained through counseling and my book, “How to be a Christian in Today’s World: Shame […]