The Middle East Conflict: Israel’s Claim and the Al-Aqsa Mosque
As war goes on in the Middle East, Israel’s claim to the land is a point of discussion for many. And yet, as they claim the land, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is built where the Temple belongs. Why does this matter?
Understanding God’s Holy House
Well, in the Old Testament, God talks of His Holy House. That was the Temple. Many Christians view any church sanctuary as God’s Holy place and deserving of respect. I have a respect for sanctuaries myself. Yet, when we read the Old Testament, that isn’t specifically what God was referring to.
Why does this matter? Well, I believe and teach that the Old Testament is as relevant now as it was when it was written. As a disclaimer, I must say that context and an understanding of the Bible as a whole is critical to understanding some parts of the Old Testament.
Isaiah’s Message of Inclusion
Going way back to about 700 years before Christ was born, Isaiah spoke to the issue of the separation between the Gentiles (non-Jews) and His Holy people. After all, we would not be allowed in the Temple if it were rebuilt today. But, in Isaiah 56 God tells the foreigners that have joined themselves to the Lord that they are His and He will keep them.
It’s another beautiful example that the Bible is consistent from beginning to end and that God is a god of love for all of His people.
God’s Invitation to All
I don’t know how many non-Christians read my blog, but if that’s you, I want you to know that you aren’t necessarily separated either. God wants you.
Accepting God’s Invitation
What you need to do to make that relationship real and full isn’t complicated. All you have to do is to accept His invitation to become his student. To be willing to allow Him not just into your life, as in going to church. But, at some point, you also need to be willing to be vulnerable enough to allow Him into your heart. Let Him know your pains and frustrations, hopes and fears. It’s not complicated. Getting over ourselves enough to be vulnerable to Him is usually the hard part.
Encouragement for Christians
And for those Christians that aren’t feeling fulfilled in their relationship with Him, I encourage you to become vulnerable too.
Embracing God’s Unconditional Love
God loves you because He loves you. Not because you look good, smell good, and maybe even do good. He loved you before you were born! Let Him in.
I invite you to go over to my BOOKS page and check out what I’ve written on these subjects. I promise, the whole Bible has the message woven throughout, that He loves you whether you think you deserve it or not.